Thank you for your interest in the TIS .
This is undoubtedly the best in Second Life! We have taken our time to make sure that the product is as realistic as possible. Painstakingly created with 100% mesh and carefully textured to make sure you have the best of the best of the best in your venue!!!
- Used in conjunction with the TIS StreamSync the pictures (not video or webpages) display will be synchronized with the music playing on your parcels media stream.
- Based on real-life club equipment, each components look and display has been tailored to be as realistic as possible.
- Highly detailed 100% mesh design.
- Multiple Levels Of Detail (LOD) ensure your product looks perfect no matter what distance it is viewed from.
- Realistic texturing to every component.
- Just 1 prim for each unit!
- Scripting has been rigorously optimized to reduce sim overhead.
- 5 included + 2 Test Presets (to show textures and webpage functionality)
- Fully copyable - set out as many as you need.
- Easily control speed to reduce load on laggy sims if required.
- Resizable
- TIS iControl Professional included, quickly and remotely change the display, presets, time signature and set manual BPM for the product.
- Screen display either full screen or individual screens
- Allow selected others or your group to control the product.
Current version of the is v.
Release date of the current version is . To check what version you are running please see the Version section. Please also see the Troubleshooting tab if you are having any other issues to see if your query is answered there before contacting support.
On purchase you will be delivered a folder containing a box for your and a box for the TIS iControl Professional which controls all our products compatible with the iControl.
First drag the box to the ground where it will automatically unpack and give you a folder containing your product. Accept this folder and it will appear in the top level of your inventory. You can now delete the product box (a copy is still in your inventory). Then drag the TIS iControl Professional box to the ground which will unpack and give you another folder containing the iControl. You need only to use one iControl to control multiple products.
In your inventory, locate the folder called TIS
In this folder you will find the following items:
- This is the unit. It is copyable so you can use as many as your venue requires.
- Preset Key
- Notecard explaining the videos/textures in the current presets.
In your inventory, locate the folder called TIS iControl Professional
In this folder you will find the following items:
- TIS iControl Professional
- The TIS iControl Professional is the controller for this product. You will be able to use this controller to change various functions for the product. For more information about basic functionality of the iControl Professional, please see here.
First locate the TIS
in your folder and drag it out to the ground in world.

Now position your where you wish it to be in your venue before switching it on.
This products functionality can only be controlled by the iControl Professional. Please see the Using the iControl section for full details on finishing the set up, and how to use your product with your iControl Professional.
You will also find preset notecards in the contents of the unit which allows you to adjust certain aspects of the product. Please see the Customizing Presets section for more information how to adjust these.
For best results and to fully appreciate the , we recommend that you have the following client settings:
Set your World to Midnight!
To set your world to midnight to appreciate the lighting display, go to your client toolbar menu and select World > Sun Position > Midnight or click Ctrl + Shift + X
Obviously the will function perfectly well when it's daytime too, but when it's midnight.... Just WOW!
NOTE: As with any projector light, the properties of the surface the product shines on will affect the how the projection looks. In particular, projector lights will not be seen on full bright surfaces as they are already at their maximum brightness.
Graphic Preferences
We also recommend for optimum viewing pleasure that you set your graphic preferences to the following settings if your computer graphics can handle it. To open your Preferences window please click Ctrl + P. Set your Performance up to High and tick the Advanced Lighting Model box, the Ambient Occlusion box, set shadows drop down to Sun/Moon + Projectors. Also set your draw distance to about 600 or higher. Please make sure that you set your Objects & Sculpts LOD to 4.0 and Max particle count to max (8192).

Drag out the iControl Professional from your inventory to the ground in world or right click and select wear from your inventory to wear the controller as a HUD. If you require other people i.e. staff or managers to be able to control the product a controller must be out on the parcel that your product is located on. For more detailed instructions on how to use the iControl Professional, please see the TIS iControl Professional web page.
When first worn or dragged to the ground the iControl Professional will quickly establish connection to any devices available. The products communication channel is set to 0 by default. More information regarding communication channels and why you would ever want to use them can be found in the information page of the TIS iControl Professional. Information on how to change the channels can be found in the section Multiple Units using different settings.
Once the iControl Professional has established connection to the product you will see an icon appear representing the product at the bottom of the controller in the Product Selection panel.

Click the icon for TIS and you will be presented with this screen:

On pressing this button , the configuration drop down will appear which will give you the options for the product. If you have multiple 's out the configuration button will control all lights on that channel, not just the one it states on the drop down.
Confirm On
On pressing this button will allow the product to notify in chat confirmations of button presses. This is especially useful so the owner or admin can know what settings have been changed when they click any of the buttons. The default setting is off.
This restores the products sliders to their default state. It also acts as a reset, in which it will reset the values of the product to factory state
. This is very useful if you are dragging out multiple units as if you have changed any values, the newly dragged out unit will still only have the factory default settings. If you drag out two units pressing this Restore button will make sure that both units are displaying the same settings.

Display Type
Display Type buttons represent whether you view any videos, textures etc full screen or individual panels. Just set each one and see which one you prefer.
comes with 5 in built preset displays and 2 Test Presets (presets 6 and 7, to show textures and webpage functionality). Each of these presets can be customized to suit your venue if you so wish. To customize any of these presets please see the Customizing Presets section in these instructions. The Red button stops the presets.

These buttons will change the time signature from the standard 4/4 beat to either a 2/4 beat or 3/4 beat. This is very useful if a song that is playing is not the standard 4/4 beat! This represents the number of beats per bar. Most popular songs have a time signature of 4 beats per bar (expressed as 4/4), or more rarely 3 beats per bar (3/4)

This slider allows you to adjust the Beats Per Minute for a specific song. The buttons at the top allow you to quickly multiply this set BPM to suit the song currently playing. If you own a TIS StreamSync and it is set up correctly, the BPM will automatically change to be in time with the music on your parcel.
This section is for more advanced user settings. You can use the product directly out of the box using the iControl Professional, but if you wish to have multiple units out on your sim with different settings you need to change channel communications.

To have more than one unit out, all you need to do is drag another from your inventory to the ground in world. If you require both units to be controlled with the same settings etc., then you need not do anything further with either unit, just use channel 0, which is the default channel number, on your controller to start, stop and adjust the other settings as usual.
Once you have placed the number of units you wish to have out you will then need to Restore
the units, by going to the Configuration via the iControl Professional. This will reset the values to factory state
. This is very useful if you are dragging out multiple units as if you have changed the colour to multi colour the newly dragged out unit will still only have the factory default settings. If you drag out two units pressing this Restore button will make sure that both units are displaying the same settings.
If you have more than one unit rezzed on the same sim and set to the same channel, one will become the master
. This master will perform all the script work to calculate colours/effects and then send the result to the other unit's, enabling all of them to synchronize their displays. As a result the Settings for the master will be used for all unit's. The master
will be chosen at random so you should ensure that this notecard is duplicated in all your unit's set to the same channel in order to achieve a consistent effect.
If you wish to have multiple units customized in different ways on the same sim, this can be done easily by setting one of your units to have a different channel to your first unit. To do this you will need to set the channel number for each additional unit.

To do this simply amend the description field of one the units as follows:
- Right click and select edit on one of the units.
In the general tab of the edit dialogue box locate the description field this will already have text in there like this:
Channel : 0
Set the new channel by editing this text so for example
Channel : 3
would set the channel to be 3. - If you are using Firestorm viewer go to the Content tab of the edit dialogue box and click the "Reset Scripts" button. If you are using the Second Life Viewer, you will need to go to the client tool bar (at the top of your screen) and click Build --> Scripts and then select "Reset Scripts". Any other viewer, you may need to refer to the viewers knowledge-base.
- On clicking Reset Scripts a dialogue box may pop up if you have never done this before asking you whether you wish to modify scripts in selected object - Just click yes - if no box asking that pops up, then the Reset Progress box will only appear and start going through each script in the unit and set them to running as in this example:

- When the dialogue box states done, press close.
- The unit that you changed will run through its setup.
You can now go to your main Control Channel page and in the Channel Selection panel select the new channel you set to now control the unit on that channel.
Do the above for any units that you wish to have on any other channel. You have in total 20 channels that you can use if you so wish.

The comes with 5 in built preset displays and 2 Test Presets (presets 6 and 7, to show textures and webpage functionality) that can be started from the iControl. Each of these presets can be customized to suit your venue if you so wish. You also have the functionality to create your own user presets in addition to the 5 in built presets.
Please note that only the owner of the product can make changes to presets. Even if you have people added to the access list this function is not permitted in Second Life objects.
To customize any of the presets, you will find the preset notecards contained within the contents of the (not the controller). To see these, right click on the Screen and select Edit from the menu. Then click the Contents tab.

We have created 5 simple presets and 2 Test Presets (presets 6 and 7, to show textures and webpage functionality) that may be of use in your venue, these are currently loaded in your screen already. In your package there is a notecard called "Preset Key", which gives you a quick overview of the videos in each preset notecard in the Screen.
If you wish to make any changes to the in built Presets then double click the notecard in the . This will open the notecard to present you with all the commands pertaining to the specific preset display.
There are instructions regarding how to enter your video IDs in the notecard.
You can also either delete the in-built notecards or add another 5 notecards (max of 10 in screen only allowed) to create your own presets.
To amend any of the presets or create your own display's, double click the specific notecard to open it. You can see examples of the settings in the existing preset notecards. When you have created your own notecard with your preset video or texture IDs, please name your notecard like this:
Preset 1, Preset 2, Preset 3, Preset 4, Preset 5, etc
Here is some information on how to set up your Preset notecards:
Each notecard line accepts a streaming video provider, plus a space separated list of up to 10 of their video ids. For example:
Youtube: CRp5cO90QC8 eMBP_la-vyw ZVXsX5Rh16A pSEsPrrt5tM uHxSZ299JM OT7msh0_6tA Co8slN0lgC4 0VfQ0JoxCx4 JI1p_06vp4s O_G5EOv9twY
GH_fkwfaoal 05Jpwfkarhue YT-290jlfahhi
Dailymotion: x7xnbb x8m97he
Twitch: v3092748293 v9239284782 cSomeChannelName oSomeCollection
In addition you should add the following line at the end of the video list to turn sound on:
Sound: TRUE
By default, videos are not played with sound. This is because most video providers will prevent videos from automatically playing with sound. This is a security feature and cannot be overridden.
Caveats* Note that each screen can play either video OR display textures OR display a webpage, you cannot mix video ids,texture UUIDs, or URLs on one screen
** To play more than 10 videos from the same provider, continue on a new line as show in the above example.
*** Use separate lines to display videos from different streaming providers.
**** Note there is a YouTube imposed limit of 50 videos per screen.
Valid Streaming Providers are as follows:
Because twitch video codes do not reliably differentiate between channels, collections or videos, prefix the identifying code with either:
"v" for videos
"c" for channels
"o" for collections
for example:
if you have video code 1880858497 then put v1880858497 in your video list.
if you want to view stream/channel ThereInSpirit then put cThereInSpirit in your video list.
If you want to view collection ThereInSpiritVideos then put oThereInSpiritVideos in your video list
Each notecard line contains a list of up to 5 SL Texture UUIDs, separated by a space. For example:
Textures: ec5b80df-a75f-722d-959d-481e3fb6dc5b 6b1f43c8-38c0-cf91-381d-1117f6ee45ed da475b97-5413-cbbe-a76e-5c51b631a4b9 fa18fd4f-a3cd-7836-1ed4-d42eb878d7b5 843be924-59c1-0b89-eaa7-8ef9a247af43
b89fce1d-5beb-40e6-0f77-cbeb7e362bf7 e876b3d7-2077-29b2-8d6e-8195fb508a9a
* To display more than 5 textures, continue on a new line as show in the above example.
In addition you should add the following line at the end of the texture list:
Texture Change Frequency: <n>
This controls how often textures change. They will be played in the order specified on a continuous loop. For Example:
- Texture Change Frequency: 1 Bar
- (Textures will change every bars)
- Texture Change Frequency: 16 Bars
- (Textures will change every 16 bars)
- Texture Change Frequency: 128 Beats
- (Textures will change every 128 beats)
The BPM and Time Signature settings control how quickly beats/bars happen. If you own a TIS Streamsync, these values will be calculated from the current music stream on the parcel.
To display a webpage on your display screen simply enter the URL into the notecard - For example:
Be sure to add http or https at the start of the line so the Display Screen can identify the URL. All webpages are defaulted to be interactive by anyone.
If you wish to have your own texture displayed when the screen is off you need only to just drag a FULL PERM texture into the contents of the . If you drag multiple textures into the screen, the scripting will only display the first texture (alphabetically). If you also drag a non FULL PERM texture into the screen, then the texture will not display at all. Please make sure you have a FULL PERM texture to use.
To not have a texture displayed at all when the screen is switched off just remove any textures you have loaded into the screen.

The display will show your texture across all screens, not on individual screens even if you have selected individual screens as your default.
The is modifiable, so you can resize the product to any size you wish to fit into your venue.
Please be aware that increasing the size of your product may increase the land impact of 1 prim. For example, increasing the size of the default screen (the one that is rezzed) to say 30 meters long will increase the land impact to 2 prims.
In-world videos (on TVs and Prim Media, a.k.a. Media-on-a-Prim) are independent streams from the source to each person watching. The only way to synchronize them is for each person to click Play at the exact same time, and even then the streams can get out of sync depending on lag, connection, buffering, and other network & computer issues. Multiple units will suffer with the same issue.
Textures, however will be in sync as the parent screen will send over to the child screens the texture id to show.
Access for this product can only be controlled via the iControl Professional. For details on how to set access for this product please see the instructions for the TIS iControl Professional.
Current version of the is v. Release date of the current version is .
To check the version of this product you are running please follow these steps:
- On the iControl, click the icon at the bottom for the , on the page press the configuration button in the top right hand corner
- In the dialog box that drops down the version number for the product you have can be found here where it states "Your Version: Version". Version is the version number of your current product.

If you are running an out of date version, please obtain a redelivery of the product package from our redelivery board in our store, Click here to go there!
Listed here are the most common FAQ's for this product. Before contacting support, make sure your query is not answered here.
- Initial Release